Minority Business Opportunity Awards

About the Program

The  Business Development Connection (BDC) of the Greater Shreveport Chamber recognizes outstanding minority individuals or businesses who are making a difference in our community at the Annual Minority Business Opportunity Awards Dinner. 

Each year, we recognize outstanding Chamber members in the following award categories:

  • TOP BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR – A minority individual who consistently exemplifies the highest standard of professional excellence; reputation/performance on the job is that of a respected leader or example to his/her colleagues; has a record of accomplishments and dedicates his/her time to providing service to the community.
  • EMERGING BUSINESS OF THE YEAR – A new minority‐owned business that is poised for future growth and has carved a niche for itself in the business community.
  • SMALL BUSINESS OWNER OF THE YEAR – A minority individual, who owns, operates and bears the principal responsibility for a thriving small business (less than 50 employees) in our community. Partners may be nominated as a team provided the number of individuals in the team does not exceed four.​
  • NON-PROFIT PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR – A professional that works for a not-for-profit organization who consistently exemplifies the highest standard of professional excellence; reputation/performance on the job is that of a respected leader or example to his/her colleagues who through their leadership and service demonstrates a strong philanthropic commitment to addressing the needs of and/or expanding opportunities for minorities in the community. (Note: This category does not have to be a minority)
  • ​BUSINESS OF THE YEAR* – An established business (more than 50 employees) that creates opportunities for minority-owned businesses and/or minority individuals and has a strong philanthropic commitment to the community.
  • ​LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT RECIPIENT* – An individual who throughout their long career consistently exemplifies the highest standard of professional excellence; has dedicated many years of his/her life to providing service to the community; has an extensive record of accomplishments; and has a reputation that is widespread.

*The Business of the Year and the Lifetime Achievement Recipient(s) are chosen by the Business Development Connection selection committee. All other categories are chosen by an anonymous group of judges.

Nominees for these awards consistently exemplify the highest standard of professional excellence, service to the community and are members in good standing with the Greater Shreveport Chamber.

​As defined by BDC, a minority for the purposes of these categories includes not only racial minorities, but also includes gender and ethnicity i.e. women, Hispanics, Asian American, African American, Native American, etc.

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